Know This, Do That

How To be Outstanding In Your Chosen Field And Build A Successful Career

About the Book

Three simple questions were posed to thousands of leaders in the construction industry from all across the U.S. and Canada. 

1. What one piece of advice would you give an apprentice getting started in this industry?

2. What kind of training do apprentices need to be successful in this business? 

3. What one decision has made the most significant impact on your career? 

The result? Know This, Do That

36 proven, time-tested principles which would benefit anyone starting their career.

About the Video Curriculum

Imagine what would be possible if we could develop our emerging workforce to make better decisions on and off the job, have a greater degree of commitment to themselves and their work, and perform at their best on a daily basis.

Help your people put ideas into action
Make Learning Stick!
36 Principles
36 Video Lessons
When you can read, listen and watch the learning comes alive and can last for a lifetime.

Sample Videos

Lesson 19: Understanding Your ROI

In this lesson Nic talks about how to understand your personal return on investment and position yourself to become more valuable to those you work for and with.

Lesson 4: Initiative

In this lesson Nic breaks down one of the problems with initiative and shares a next step on how someone getting started can better set themselves up for success.

Request More Information on the Book and Video Curriculum

For volume order of the book or to find out how you can bring this video series to your apprenticeship program or organization contact Nic at